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Visiting the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Not much good art there. Just a lot of weird stuff. Memorable exhibits: video of people submerged in mud blowing air through long plastic garden hose-like tubes that were attached to flutes, videos of a husband and wife performance art duo that pretty much just rolled around like they were dying or in extreme pain on strange stages, lots of “dirty” art. I liked the fish at the bottom of the stairs best, but wished there was a 25 cent food dispenser so we could feed the fish.

You don’t see a lot of mustachioed busts throughout the art world, at least I haven’t encountered many, so this one caught my eye and reminded me that I don’t like mustaches or fedora hats on about 95% of the people that wear them.

After falling asleep on the beach in the morning I decided to do something productive and took a drive up to the Getty. The sun was out and the temperature was about 75-80. The Getty complex is a really nice architectural exhibit in and of itself. It sort of has the feel of Bill and Ted’s University of the Future.